Hello sir!

you have some great insights, but you also have a basic flaw. I have this flaw sometimes. It's called tribalism, its inherent in humans.

Its obvious you have an antipathy towards the left, I do to, becuase I was told it was the fault of the commies why some members of my extended family couldn't pursue higher education during the communist rule in my country. But the thing, it that even after the fall of the communist regime, my extended family still sucked, and most of my cousins are brainless drones who follow the herd and dont value education and self-examination. So, my take on this, is that each one of us, finds a scapegoat, someone or something to blame. But what we should blame is the evil of reality and humanity. My father blame the commies because they didn't let him into higher ed, I blame the commercialization of higher ed in my country and elsewhere because my achievements feel devalued because all sorts of morons and retards are getting a degree now.

So, let me return to the reason why I wanted to write this. You blame the american left. And you are correct, they are 90% scum. I follow US politics closer than the average american and know most names, despite not living there. But the american right is also scum. It just so happens that now, the powers that be, are using the left to push forward their agenda. Humans are much closer to a herd animal than we would like to think. The elites sucessfully managed to destroy the anti-war left, the one opposed to surveillance, imperialism, wars etc... and not only destroyed it, but managed to totally shift their beliefs, and 99% of the left now supports all these topics. But the right wing, the majority of them, supports these issues too, they pretend not to just for appearances sake, in order to act as a placeholder for "opposition". You see, the real rules of the US and the world, weren't scared of Trump for the reason you think. They were scared he unintentionally would encourage a certain segment of the US population to create a third party. Not that this would have been the end of the elites/deep state, but this would have created a major headache for them, since they would need to invest resources and propaganda to this (un)expected problem.

And, yes, you are wrong. When Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney said that Russia is their problem, they meant it. The sheep will follow.

Not a russian.

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